It’s been four and a half years, but Robot God has finally returned to the comic (that is, unless you’re one of those people who believes that Robot God is everywhere).
Please don’t think that the second panel is some kind of cheeky doublespeak – I don’t plan on actually rebooting the comic. Beeserker and company will definitely be answering for what they’ve done this chapter. I hear this song playing on this comic.
That… is…. Great!
orange on orange.. eyes.. burning..–KMgpnn7x–/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/qldl1uj60sshxjmtxtrw.jpg
But orange/red on blue on the other hand… is epic!
Sorry, I used my lightest and darkest orange, so I thought it’d work. I’ll tinker around with the colors some more for Saturday’s strip.