Now you’ve got me wondering in what conceivable context that Christmas strip might be canon. It doesn’t seem, in the least bit, a probable thing to occur. Oh well.
Yes, it is a ribbon. It can be seen on a number of other pages. In fact, it’s shown on the PJs from just the last strip.
ahhh those old days.. days of nude scientists and smoke-free air.. feels like ages ago.. actually it feels like last month because that’s when I archive-binged, but..
oh wow, I always thought comics were obliged to rotate scenes around tables, to eliminate boredom and show off more characters. Now I have an excuse if I don’t!
Orange! Don’t diss the guy with the knife. Is that a ribbon on HLC’s tail?
Now you’ve got me wondering in what conceivable context that Christmas strip might be canon. It doesn’t seem, in the least bit, a probable thing to occur. Oh well.
Yes, it is a ribbon. It can be seen on a number of other pages. In fact, it’s shown on the PJs from just the last strip.
I like that the kiddie table Beeserker and Scootsie are sitting at has its own bottle of wine!
@Jason Poland
Kiddie table… or… KITTY TABLE!!! *Sunglasses* YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!
awesome, a turkey day comic
also, i think trigona wore the apron better too
ahhh those old days.. days of nude scientists and smoke-free air.. feels like ages ago.. actually it feels like last month because that’s when I archive-binged, but..
Blatant disregard for the 180° rule. I’m afraid I’m going to have to report you to the webcomic police.
Happy Thanksgiving! Now I’m curious what bees taste like…
oh wow, I always thought comics were obliged to rotate scenes around tables, to eliminate boredom and show off more characters. Now I have an excuse if I don’t!
“The tubes in the background also transport gray.”