In honor of International Cat Day, Scootsie appears in every panel!
And in case you were worried, this probably isn’t the last you’re gonna see of Trigona’s old beekeeping outfit. It’s definitely gonna be the last time you see that zipper, though.
The Scootsies are drawn individually. That sideways one was even drawn sideways – for some reason, I was honor-bound not to just draw a right-side-up Scootsie and rotate it 90 degrees.
Usually I save the sketches for my Patreon page, but this time, I had to share with everybody just how messed up Scootsie is when I first tried to draw him rotated. My muscle memory when it comes to Scootsie drawing is null and void.
Hmmm this outfit seems more one-piecey integrated. Might be useful for certain tactical situations! Good job Scoots.
…and she hasn’t even put on all the pouches yet!
Some days I wish I were an immoble green cat.
Admit it, you just copy & paste Scootsie to where you need him.
The Scootsies are drawn individually. That sideways one was even drawn sideways – for some reason, I was honor-bound not to just draw a right-side-up Scootsie and rotate it 90 degrees.
Usually I save the sketches for my Patreon page, but this time, I had to share with everybody just how messed up Scootsie is when I first tried to draw him rotated. My muscle memory when it comes to Scootsie drawing is null and void.

I stand corrected. And on closer inspection, the whiskers are in different positions in each frame
Sootsie is there judging us all for enjoying the mild fan-service ò.ó