I hope so to,and there better be MOAR backstory for that,cuz from all that watching of gravity falls,I make theories about everything that is’nt explained
Nicely done. As for the smudges, if you don’t have one already, get one of those Mars Staedtler plastic erasers – they’ll erase pretty much any dry media you rub them on.
Well then.
A peek into the monstrous origin of the science men? I seriously hope that is literally where and how they were born.
I hope so to,and there better be MOAR backstory for that,cuz from all that watching of gravity falls,I make theories about everything that is’nt explained
I just now noticed that the sience-woman had sience-men fir teeth
I think I understand what’s going on in that second panel.
The next update is on my birthday.
Also panel 2 is fucking horrifying.
you should make a horror series kyatt.
http://laughingspiral.deviantart.com/art/2013-12-28-21-56-53-422952742 also I drew trigona but I ended up getting charcoal everywhere.
Nicely done. As for the smudges, if you don’t have one already, get one of those Mars Staedtler plastic erasers – they’ll erase pretty much any dry media you rub them on.
Okay I’ll check it out, thanks.
solution:emo trigona
@Red_Peace : Your Trigona looks pretty hammered. Love it! 😀
Neon Genesis Sciencemen
I was thinking more “Bee-on Genesis Evangelion”.
clipboard scienceman in the background: “Well, this looks horrifying…” *checks item off list*
it looks mentally disturbing *checks another item off list*
Is that green stuff blood like it was in the early days of this comic?
It’s whatever you think is the most terrifying – blood, drool, ectoplasm, you name it.
All of the above?
It’s kinda like how you never know what exactly is flowing through all those pipes in the Scienceman lab.
Maybe it’s the same stuff.
Unspecified Anonymous Liquid then, gotcha.