I probably should’ve made this two separate strips, but after Beeserker saying “I WON’T MAKE YOU WAIT!” it seemed kinda cruel and/or counterintuitive to make you wait.
In case you missed it in the blog, I launched a Patreon page for Beeserker this week. If you give $1 a month, you’ll receive a new Patreon-exclusive wallpaper at the end of each month, and for a dollar more, you’ll get access to blog posts where I’ll share sketches from Beeserker strips to compare and contrast them to their final counterparts, and even upload some sketches from strips that never saw the light of day!
Does that say Queen beeserker vii (vee) or VII (roman 7) ? it’s hard to tell since all his letters are always capitals.
It’s “Queen Beeserker The Seventh”, although I like the idea of the former, since “vii” and “bee” would be written the exact same way in Katakana. I’ll keep this in mind if the comic ever gets translated to Japanese.
Why the seventh? What happened to 1 through 6?
We don’t talk about I through VI.
I bet queen beeserker VII is going to tear CSX in half.
Whoa, those different grill holes.. Ic an’t even.. ALL HAIL
So beeserker has switch from gender neutral (hides junk) to female?
Temporarily, although the only junk Beeserker has is all that wax it’s building up in its belly.
The “junk” was in reference to this http://www.beeserker.com/comics/grandson/
This is bad comedy.
I think you worry too much about such things.
All that transformation and he still couldn’t make himself not look like a jack-o-lantern.
That reminds me, Halloween is just around the corner (or rather, Halloween candy is available in stores). I should hold some kind of Beeserker pumpkin carving contest.
This doesn’t bode well for the newly-coronated monarch.
Ah, don’t worry. It’s not like there’s someone Beeserker threw out into space that might be angry about it—ohhhhh.
Well, that escalated as expected.