This week I’ve been sketching other ideas for costumes on my blog. In the end, I did actually go with some Adventure Time characters and a guy who shouts “OH YEAH!”
By the way, in case you haven’t seen yet, Trigona made another cameo in L.A.W.L.S. on Thursday, in which she gets creeped on, but ultimately saved by a flashy explosion shaped like the word “CRASH”.
… AND FIONNA! (And cake) … And frosty the snow man? Hey wait… Awful? More like AWEful!
Like that pun.
As if this comic wasn’t awesome enough already, we get adventure time and randy savage cosplay
Yay! I hoped he was real! I like that he’s calm about being called awful, and not galloping away in tears or punching orange.
I think snowman Beeserker is cute, but kool-aid beeserer is awesome.
Who’re the sciencementdressed as?
Why, they’re dressed as the late Macho Man Randall Savage!
Fiona and cak3eeeeeee