I’m trying to get back into gear when it comes to actually drawing vaguely sciencey backgrounds for the lab, now that I’m using tiny brushes* that accommodate it.
*For the time being. I’ll probably get tired of it soon and revert to insanely thick lines.
WAIT! I thought the Beeserkest upgraded its hands?
Yes, but it then downgraded its own hand out of arrogance, knowing it could fight Beeserker and company without it.
@ Adam
I can’t say I enjoy this new art style as much. Your “insanely thick lines” style was intruiging and thoroughly unique. It really brought itself out as YOUR art style. This new uniform tiny line style really brings down the overall quality. It looks MS-Paint-ish.
You’ll be glad to hear that Saturday’s strip is going back to the “old” style, then. I’d like to think that there’s room for things drawn with small brushes with uniform thickness in this comic, but yeah, they probably shouldn’t be the entire comic.
I love your art style so keep up the good work. Save the thin brush lines for facial detail, like in tension lines in the sciencemens’ facial close-ups.
Sometimes in life you just have to hurtle yourself and go where you go. THat’s what I’m doing right now.
Although trying new styles is always awesome, I feel like the new “tiny brush” style is a general downgrade. It looks less artistic and seems to be lacking the same emotional quality as the thicker style.
Good old fashioned contemplating doing something that’s already happening.
It looks a bit like a Pokemon battle, you know…
Wild Beeserker appeared!
Beeserker used flame punch!
Its super effective!