We now return to the current story arc (Saturday’s strip about the videogame doesn’t count – that’s why you don’t see torn up sofa halves in the lab).
Speaking of the game, I’m celebrating Beeserker’s Facebook page reaching 200 likes by giving away a download code for Beeserker The Videogame’s soundtrack. Visit the page for details.
I need to play the game. I ALWAYS FORGET.
I’ll do that when I get home. Kudos on the mess, you guis.
i couldn’t see the horse’s muzzle at first and he looked profoundly creepy…
Throw the lab into space; problem solved.
the videogame is so hard- are there cheats? damn spikes and death water
I don’t remember that there was that much blood in the lab.
That’s what happens when a centaur gets pierced fully through the torso… and when it and the thing that did the piercing are the same color as the floor they’re standing on and you need some substance of a different color to make them stand out.
That’s a lot of problems.
Poor Beeserkest. We barely got to know him at all.