Well, at least Beeserkest doesn’t have to worry about that pink voice any more…
In other news, I found another piece of awesome Trigona fanart on Tumblr. The latest drawing comes from an artist by the handle of Rudeezy. (Just a heads up, some other drawings on that site are varying degrees of NSFW – they’re not displayed on the particular page I linked to, though.)
Oh me oh my.
That fan art is great! Yeah, you have good character designs, Kyatt. Know this truth to be self-evident.
oh man, thankyou so much for the link to that fanart!
it is awesome, and the artist is really good = INSTANT FOLLOW
that, recent freedom, and projects of mine of late..(?).. are getting me back on track for my fan-art projects. I plan on making a fan-art for every webcomic I read, but at 253, it’s getting to be a daunting challenge.
Heck yeah, I finally caught up with the comic!
Of course wizard beards work that way!